Inter- view
A kinetic sculpture by artist Sinead McCann
Commissioned by Project Arts Centre Dublin, and curated by Tessa Giblin as part of The Pre History of the Crisis with artists: Susanne Bosch, Anthony Haughty, Daniel Jewesbury
Details: Wooden built structure and wooden panel walls covered with blue carpet tiles covered inside and outside, the structure of the room measured 10’ X 9’ approx. The entrance to the room was half the height of a standard door frame and invited the viewer to bend down to entry. On entrance to the carpeted room the room was dark, until a small window made from glass with perforated holes covered by a stainless steel shutter, opened up electronically and very quickly to allow a flood of light into the space momentarily until it closed again with a loud banging noise. A fluorescent tube was attached to the outside of the sculptural to allow the light in when the window opened.
Inter-view explores the physical architecture of bureaucratic spaces as well as the unnecessarily bureaucratic administration processes within these spaces, and the psychological impact of these for the end user particularly for people in need of social and economic support from the Irish State.
Photograph by Sinead McCann